Monday, October 10, 2005

Re-enacting the painting from the Demon hunter codex. A squad of Grey Knight Terminators holding their position against the outpouring of demons from the warp. Posted by Picasa

The Brother Captain Wesley leads his terminators to dipose of the vile Nugle Greater Deamon. Posted by Picasa

Re-enactment from the Demonhunter Codex. Posted by Picasa

Brother Captain Terminator and Terminator Retinue Posted by Picasa

Grey Knight Squad Posted by Picasa

Brother Captain Monster HTH HQ. Posted by Picasa

GK Dreadnaught. Posted by Picasa

GK Landraider exterminating the unclean. Posted by Picasa

Brother Lake Posted by Picasa

Brother Nokris Posted by Picasa

Brother Draco Front Posted by Picasa

Brother Draco Posted by Picasa

Brother Corigan GK Posted by Picasa

Brother Corigan Posted by Picasa

Inquisitor with Priests. Posted by Picasa

Inquisition Retinue Posted by Picasa

Storm Trooper Posted by Picasa

Assassin! Posted by Picasa